There are many ways to classify the wastes: because of their nature (dry and wet), their chemical composition (organic matter and inorganic matter), etc. In Brazil the adopted classification is ruled by NBR 10004 – Solid Waste Classification, that follows the criteria of potential risks to the environment.
The dangerous wastes are part of the Class 1 and are those types of material that show risks to the public health and to the environment, demanding treatment and special disposition due to their characteristics of flammability, corrosivity, reactivity, among others.
The dangerous wastes are accumulated daily on the houses and companies and, unfortunately, they have their discard done irregularly. The incorrect discard of dangerous wastes is capable of contaminating the soil and the groundwater. This ends up putting in risk people’s an environment’s health, since a big part of this waste contains very dangerous chemical substances on its composition like, for example, heavy metals.
For the reversion of the problems caused by the incorrect discard it is necessary to start by the incentive of instructing the population as well as the correct punishment for those that break the rules and put in danger the people’s and the environment’s health.
It is considered dangerous wastes:
- Remains of paint (they are flammable, they can be toxic);
- Hospital supplies (they are pathogenic, they have genetic material from another person and you do not know if any bacteria or any virus can contaminate you);
- Chemicals (they can be toxic, they can be reactive, in other words, react with some other substance and cause fire or be corrosive too);
- Radioactive products;
- Fluorescent lamps (they have mercury inside the glass, which is considered a heavy metal and bioaccumulates, contaminating the environment in which it is thrown, as the mercury released in nature contaminates other organisms causing problems for the metabolism of those who absorb it);
- Batteries (they have several metals in their composition that can be corrosive, reactive and toxic depending on the environment).
This kind of waste needs a special treatment and its adequate management is the first step for the companies to contribute for a healthier environment. That’s why, the dangerous wastes, must not only be storage separately but be transported in different vehicles that need to have identification sign and receive a specific and adequate final destination.
It is of paramour importance to treat the dangerous wastes very carefully and paying much attention to the special needs of storage and discard that they demand. As the public and private power, each person inside society must be aware of doing his/her part when it talks about protecting the planet from the consequences of the human consumerism.