The current legislation foresees that the companies discard their wastes in a way that it will cause the least possible impact on the environment. To follow the legislation, it is necessary that the company elaborates a Solid Waste Management Plan. The plan predicts the management, treatment and waste final destiny, including the documentation that shows the waste discard.
The manual control of these information is workful, exposed to mistakes and evidence lost in case of environmental audits. For this, investing in technology on your waste management, especially on the digitalization, optimizes all the processes, besides it reduces significantly the waste and the costs inside the company.
The technology helps on the total management control, generating automatically the documents and legal reports, realizing the suppliers management, the licenses management, conditioning and other documents related to management waste.
So, all people involved on the management work in a systematic and organized way, improving the efficacy of the waste management. The accompanying can be done in a total secure and online environment, what provides agility in the processes and many benefits such as:
- Environmental license control;
- Waste stock control;
- Waste quantity by produced type per day, month, year and generated source;
- Emission of bar code tag with information about the type of waste;
- MTR emission (WTM in English) – Waste Transportation Manifest, emergency form and envelope;
- CADRI control;
- Waste inventory control;
- Digital storage of the documents of each destination;
- Automation of the input process, processing and generated waste transfer;
- Generated sources control;
- Reduction goals accompanying;
- Legal and inventory reports;
- Graphic generation with the main management indicators
MyWaste is an example of technology for an efficient waste management. It still contributes with all the benefits listed above, besides helping the companies to reduce the costs of their processes.