We know that the routine from a manager of a waste shipping company is really fast, after all there are a series of appointments and tasks that need to be done to guarantee the complete company operation and the customer’s satisfaction.
The contracts management is an example of a task that must be accompanied in an organized and efficient way, because without a correct control of the contract documents, the company might forget to renew any client, what can cause injuries to the company.
A way to become the contracts management more efficient is to use technology on your favor. Thinking about it, MyWaste developed a functionality in which you can, besides generating the collection contract and the waste transportation of your customers through the software, you can also control the renewing deadline and the expiration date of the contracts.
You just select the customer or the period in which you want to consult and the system will inform the relation of the customers that are in the renewing period. Besides, it is applied a readjustment index to the selected contracts, so automatically MyWaste generates a new contract already with the updated values of the waste.
All these can still be integrated to revenues systems, avoiding rework with typing, because all the performed collections are calculated according to each customer’s contract, optimizing even more the processes and guaranteeing better results to your company.