The logistic of collection and waste transportation presents challenges that need to be overcome every day. Guarantying a good waste management, fulfill the environmental legislation, increase the efficiency and the speed on the collection, automatize the processes, are only some of them. And, for this, a software for collection management can be a great ally.
The challenge is in joining economy, agility and effectiveness on the processes. Some functionalities, specific on a software to waste transportation logistic are fundamental to get to this equation. Check what they are next:
1. Routes management and optimization
The collection routing is, no doubt, one of the most complex processes of waste transportation logistic. The companies that perform this task manually spend much time and the mistake risk is high, besides, it is necessary to count on a team or a professional totally dedicated to the planning.
With a specialized software, this task is done in a few seconds and the system identifies the route that will be faster and more economic.
2. Collection accompanying in real time
The collection management will be more efficient with the accompanying in real time. Through the software, the manager confirms if the team is accomplishing their route and already verifies the waste that were collected in each customer. The signal of any foreseen on the collection, some action can be taken to avoid the visiting loss on the customer.
3. Collection digital registration
On the collection time, the driver registers the collected waste by an app. This function eliminates the mistakes risk, avoids the use of paper that need to be digitalized after and automatizes the collection confirmation with pictures and the client’s signature in real time. It will not be necessary to wait the vehicle to return to confirm if the collection were performed.
4. MTR emission and the Emergency Form
Generate these documents manually can be really workful, mainly when the company has many customers, besides the mistakes risk during the fulfillment be higher.
For this, a waste management software has to have the functionality of generating automatically the necessary documents for the waste transportation. MTR and the Emergency Form are documents that must accompany the load, mainly when it comes to dangerous waste.
5. Revenues controlling
According the collection are being checked on the system, it is possible to generate the report to make the revenues to the customer. The system analyzes the contract data of each client and verifies if there were surplus waste generation. Through a click it is emitted a report with the total value to be revenue.
The 5 functionalities listed above are obligated in every logistic software for waste transportation, because they guarantee a better effectiveness on the processes, increase the traceability and speed up the collections. Counting on a system that offers all these resources will be fundamental to improve the collection management of your company and guarantee a better relationship with the customer.
MyWaste developed a complete system with the purpose to automatize the waste transportation logistic on the companies. The system counts with the 5 functionalities listed above, besides a variety of options to help in the whole logistic process of your business.
MyWaste software and app is indicated to companies that need to speed processes eliminating paper and Excel worksheets, besides reaching more expressive results in their activities with traceability and transparency to the customers and to the environmental organs.