Does your company perform oil collection? Does it have many customers? Is the collection control still manual? We know that the routine of companies that collect waste is really fast and dynamic, because it is necessary to have all the logistical, operational and administrative organization – that has since the schedule of the collection team and the route creation until the emission of contracts to attend the customers – the best way possible to have a quality service.
Besides, to make the collection more efficiently it is necessary to plan the best routes and to define the fleet itinerary carefully. This can be an extremely workful task and it can spend much time when done manually.
On this sense, technology can be a great ally for the company and help to obtain the complete control of the operation. With MyWaste your company does not need to do the manual collection control anymore. All the information are available in the software and, through the app, each collector has access to their collection routes.
The collection registration is fast through the app, permitting taking pictures of the waste, the customer’s signature and the GPS coordinates. Moreover, in the moment of the collection, the app will indicate to the collector how much he should pay to the client for the collected oil. In case of having any discount on the collection, the app already calculates the value to be paid considering the discount. It avoids manual calculation mistakes and speeds up the collection process even more.
It would make your routine much more productive. Ask for a demonstration and consult the results of real customers with our team.