Signed partnership between MyWaste and ContaAzul
That is it! We are beginning 2020 with total right foot and big news for MyWaste customers.
In December 2019, MyWaste and ContaAzul were integrated and the biggest benefited of this partnership is you! The integration was signed for better optimization of the processes, facilitations and organizational control, besides offering innumerous benefits for MyWaste customers.
More specific details were developed and evaluated to maximize the integration between the platforms, so that, innumerous positive points were measured, know what they are:
- 25% of discount on ContaAzul (MyWaste customers)
- No cost of integration between the platforms
- NF emission
- Optimization of the financial processes
What does ContaAzul offer me?
- Daily and monthly cash flow
- DRE managerial
- Bank and accounting integration
What do you need to be able to use all these benefits?
Become a MyWaste customer!
On the corporative world we should not waste good opportunities, so start 2020 becoming part of this big team!