Having similar names and the same place of access on smartphones, the companies end up confusing their customers saying that they have software for all kinds of applications.
Many times, we can notice that many companies say that have integrated app in their digital platform (we use here the concept of digital platform as being a business model based on technology). In other words, besides the website, it also exists the app, to collect via smartphone or tablet, information out of the company’s environment that can be accessed remotely in real time by whom is in the office.
Therefore, what technological solution should be hired?
Before taking this decision, read the subject that we prepared to explain the differences for the two questions (app and web app) that are recurrent in our day-by-day.
What kind of app does the company have? What is the difference between them?
Web app or mobile website
A website with a well-prepared layout, adapting to the screen format of your computer, tablet or smartphone, the information even change place, but their size is maintained.
Actually, all websites work in a smartphone, because the browser is the same thing in a computer or in a smartphone, the biggest difference is if the website is responsive or not.
If the website is not responsive, we will see the user using the famous “spider hand”, diminishing and increasing the zoom (resolution). Thus, the experience of the user is bad and the tendency is that he gives up using the website.
You can find out if a website is responsive opening an internet page and reducing the browser on the horizontal or opening a website in a smartphone, there you will get the responsivity of the website.
Well, we talked about the responsive format, but it exists a different model, the web app or mobile website, it uses the responsive technology, but it has a format different from the conventional. Usually, it is presented on a list form, to facilitate the navigation, but it is only a website with a different format. It also uses the browser, you can only have some information, not interacting with the available tools of your smartphone.
App for smartphone or mobile app
The difference between a mobile app and an app for smartphone is big. Actually, it is totally different. The first big difference is that an app needs to be installed and runs directly inside the operational system of the smartphone, that is why it accomplishes a better development, runs offline and has the capacity of using the device resources, like the camera, the touchscreen screen, the digital reader, among others.
Because it is a software, it needs to work with different operational systems from the smartphones, it is a recent technology and it exists few available workforces, this set of factors makes an app project much more expensive than a mobile app.
So, talking about evidence collection, route optimization, lack of network signal, we can not run away from the apps for smartphones, mainly because of usability and performance, and this only MyWaste has in Brazil.