
Why we should undertake sustainably

  • 30 de novembro de 2021

The human being has a problem of consumerism: we always need “things”, want “things”, buy “things”. We have them, use them and after we do not know what to do with them. Many times we do not even question, we simply discard them without asking ourselves the consequences of this use and consumption. So, they end up being wastes that, only occasionally, have a good recycling practice.

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The mass tourism has been being an economical blessing to billions of people all around the world. After pandemic it must return effectively, trips to relax, to visit and to live, easily than ever, accessing the most exotic destinations.

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The transformation of non-recyclable plastics into resistant roofs

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Did you know that there are countries where rewarding systems are implemented for people who recycle?

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Paris is the home for some workshop or “repairing cafés”, monthly free initiatives that allow the local citizens to repair home appliances and electronics with the help and the council from enthusiastic volunteers. Inspired on the initiative launched by the journalist Martine Postma in Amsterdam in 2009, hundreds of similar workshops operate in the whole Europe.

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everything, from metals, minerals, and fossil fuels to organic matters form plants and animals. And only 8,6% are recyclable and used again. The use of resources tripled since 1970 and can double again until 2050 if things continue like they are. We would need an Earth and a half to keep in a sustainable way our current level of resources usage.

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The coronavirus pandemic taught us that each day we depend more and more on electronic devices, especially during long isolation periods or in lockdown moments. Smartphones, laptops, TVs, printers, tablets, e-readers, refrigerators, air conditioners have been being really useful.

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It can seem like not a day passes by without more bad news concerning the
environment. In the face of such huge reported problems, it’s easy to feel
helpless and be discouraged. But there’s an effective approach that
everyone can take to reduce their impact on the planet’s resources, and it
involves working toward a zero-waste lifestyle.
What is the Zero Waste Lifestyle?

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Human action on the planet, especially the use of fossil fuels, pollution, deforestation and uncontrolled environmental impacts, are the biggest influencers of our planet’s climate change.

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A Report on Food Wastage in Canada

  • 19 de janeiro de 2021

The Canadian government will contribute C$10.8 million toward creative plans of action that prevent or redirect food waste any time in the food production network.

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